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Brian Dimsho
Brian Dimsho is a USTA certified official and the resident official of the Orange County Grand Prix.


Hit off the Court
by Jennifer

Q: This problem happened to me recently. During my women's doubles match, my partner ran to hit a ball that was angling off the court. To hit the ball she had to run into the bleachers, which were next to the court. She was up to the 2nd step when she made contact with the ball. Her shot was a perfect lob over our opponents heads for a winner. Our opponents stated that they were taking the point since my partner was "Out-of Bounds" and off the court when she played the ball. )Frankly, they were both complaining and bitching the entire match) Whose point was it?

A: Jennifer Go take that point back! If your partner did not cross over into your opponents's side of the court your partner made a great shot. There is no rule other than those covering encroachment into opponent's side of the court, about from where you can go on your side of the court to return a shot. Hope you guys won the match. Brian
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