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Brian Dimsho
Brian Dimsho is a USTA certified official and the resident official of the Orange County Grand Prix.


Coaching Appropriate or Not?
by Bobby

Q: During a Grand Prix tournament I was watching the women's 4.5 double match. Sitting next to me, also watching, was a gentleman who had a tag around his neck which identified him as "coach". This tag seemed very official. One of the doubles teams sought his advised at least four times during the match (change-overs/completion of sets). Is coaching allowed during Grand Prix tournaments?

A: Yes, Coaching is allowed in the Grand Prix Events. The the Player or Team must inform the Tournament Desk at check in time before the match that they will have a Coach. The Coach wears a badge and can only coach his player(s) during the change overs and set break from the fence as the coach cannot enter the court and should not disrupt play or the other Player or Team. Brian
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