?new tie breaker
by Cathy
Is there a "new" tiebreaker that is used which started about 8 months ago? As I travel to different clubs, they often use the rules of a tiebreaker that I am not familiar with.
If there is a new one, can you tell us where to get the detailed official rules or please place it on this site? Thanks.A: Cathy,
We still only have 2 Tiebreakes, the 7 point which is the first to 7 points by 2 and in most cases is used to decide a set that is tied at 6 all in games. Than there is the 10 point which is the first to 10 points by 2 and in most cases used to decide a match that is tied in sets this also known as a match tiebreak. I think what you are asking about is the Coman Tiebreak Procedure that most of the USTA Leagues are using this just changes the way the ends are changed during the playing of a tiebreak. In the regular tiebreak the ends are changed after every 6 points and in a tiebreak using the Coman Procedure the ends are changed after the first point than after every 4 points are played. Events or Leagues must announce the use of the Coman Procedure before the start of the event or league play